Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Love Notes and Hate Notes

If you write me a note I can't help but share it...

These particular guests sat at my bar top with what I assume were their girlfriends since the guys kept referring to them awkwardly and discreetly as their "sisters." They were professional drifters or drag racers, something of the sort. If you're in the market for a professional race car driving beau, pick a number! Well played boys, well played.

 This is just a sweet note left by a gracious customer. These are the customers that keep me sane.

This is one of my favorites...I had a party of eight that were the oddest people I have served thus far.
After splitting the check 6 different ways, one girl decided that her bill of $15 was too expensive. She called me over and asked for a discount. I asked her why she felt she deserved a discount. She replied that she wanted a discount because her stomach hurt.
My manager explained to this woman that food poisoning doesn't hit until 6 hours after eating. A woman from a nearby table overheard what was going on and left me this note along with some cash. It was an interesting night to say the least.

Just a little love note... She really liked my co-bartender and me. It was a pleasure serving her!

This son a gun left me an 8 percent tip because I made a mistake on his bill and he felt the need to point it out. Jackass.

This note was given to a coworker of mine. The happy couple couldn't afford to leave an appropriate tip, go figure. Out of all the restaurants on planet earth they chose the chicken frying, rib serving, fajita selling one that I work for, romance at its finest.

 This is a tip from one of the restaurants regulars. Sometimes I want to tell him to keep the penny since clearly he needs the money more than I do.

No matter how frustrated I get at work, walking out with this in my hand is the most satisfying feeling...

I guess my job isn't always THAT bad.

1 comment:

  1. This is like 6 posts. Great stuff. Best one so far. So, you only have to get to 19 posts. Hurry up.
